Yurkova A.I.; Юркова А.И.; Юркова О.І.
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Cited by
Structure formation and mechanical properties of the high-entropy AlCuNiFeCr alloy prepared by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
AI Yurkova, VV Cherniavsky, V Bolbut, M Krüger, I Bogomol
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786, 139-148, 2019
Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Entropy AlCuNiFeTi and AlCuNiFeCr Alloys Produced by Mechanical Activation Followed by Pressure Sintering
AI Yurkova, C VV, G VF
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 55 (3), 152-163, 2016
Structure and mechanical properties of iron subjected to surface severe plastic deformation by attrition: II. Mechanical properties of nano- and submicrocrystalline iron
AI Yurkova, YV Milman, AV Byakova
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 2010 (4), 258-263, 2010
Nanostructured AlNiCoFeCrTi high-entropy coating performed by cold spray
DV Hushchyk, AI Yurkova, VV Cherniavsky, II Bilyk, SO Nakonechnyy
Applied Nanoscience 10, 4879-4890, 2020
Механические свойства наноструктурного железа, полученного интенсивной пластической деформацией трением
АИ Юркова, АВ Белоцкий, АВ Бякова, ЮВ Мильман
Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології, 2009
Структура и механические свойства железа после поверх-ностной интенсивной пласти-ческой деформации трением: І. Особенности формирования структуры
АИ Юркова, AВ Бякова, ЮВ Мильман
Деформація и разрушение материалов, 2-11, 2009
Synthesis of high-entropy AlNiCoFeCrTi coating by cold spraying
AI Yurkova, DV Hushchyk, AV Minitsky
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 59 (11), 681-694, 2021
Mechanical behaviour of nanostructured iron fabricated by severe plastic deformation under diffusion flow of nitrogen
AI Yurkova, AV Belots`ky, AV Byakova, YV Milman, SN Dub
Materials Science Forum 503, 645-650, 2006
Nanostructured AlCoFeCrVNi and AlCoFeCrVTi high-entropy alloys resulted from mechanical alloying and sintering
AI Yurkova, SO Nakonechnyi, VV Cherniavsky, VV Kushnir
Applied Nanoscience 12 (4), 849-860, 2022
Формирование структуры и фазового состава нанокристаллического CuNiAlFeCr сплава методом механического легирования
АИ Юркова, ВВ Чернявский, АИ Кравченко
Металлофизика и новейшие тех-нологии 36 (4), 477-490, 2014
Исследование механизма диспергирования железа при интенсивной пластической деформации трением
АИ Юркова, АВ Белоцкий, АВ Бякова
Наносистемы, наноматерiали, нанотехнологiï, 483-500, 2006
WC-based Cemented Carbides with Nanostructured NiFeCrWMo High-Entropy Alloy Binder
S Nakonechnyi, A Yurkova, A Minitsky
2022 IEEE 12th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications …, 2022
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Iron Subjected to Surface Severe Plastic Deformation by Friction: I. Structure Formation
AI Yurkova, YV Milman, AV Byakova
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 2010 (4), 249-257, 2010
Mekhanicheskie svoystva nanostrukturnogo zheleza, poluchennogo intensivnoy plasticheskoy deformatsiey treniem [Mechanical properties of nanostructured iron produced by severe …
AI Yurkova, AV Belotskiy, AV Byakova, V Milman Yu
Nanosistemi, nanomaterіali, nanotekhnologіi, 619-632, 2009
Structural performance of nanoquasicrystalline composites based on Al-Fe-Cr-alloy: Synthesis and key characteristics
A Byakova, A Yurkova
2017 IEEE 7th International Conference Nanomaterials: Application …, 2017
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Iron Resulted from Surface Severe Plastic Deformation by Friction with Semultaneous Nitrogen Saturation: I. Fetures of Structure Formation
AI Yurkova
Metally, 2012
Structure and the Mechanical Properties of Iron after Surface Severe Plastic Deformation under Friction: II. The Mechanical Properties of Nano and Submicroc rystalline Iron
AI Yurkova, YV Mil’man, AV Byakova
Def. Razr. Mater, 2-8, 2009
Mechanical properties of nanostruc tured iron produced by severe plastic deformation by friction
AI Yurkova, AV Belotskii, AV Byakova, M Y.V.
Nanosystems, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologys 7 (2), 619-632, 2009
Belotsky A., Byakova A., Milman Yu., Dub S. Mechanical Behaviour of Nanostructured Iron Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation under Diffusion Flow of Nitrogen
A Yurkova
Mater. Sci. Forum. 503, 645, 2006
Anomalous Nitrogen Solubility in Gradient Nanostructured Layer Formed in the Surface of Bulk Iron by Severe Plastic Deformation under Friction
AI Yurkova, AV Belots'ky, AV Byakova
Nanostructured Materials by High--Pressure Severe Plastic Deformation …, 2006
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