Novogrudskii L.S.
Novogrudskii L.S.
G.S.Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength Nathional academy of Sciences
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Strength of materials at cryogenic temperatures taking into account the action of electromagnetic fields
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudsky, EV Vorobiov
Kiev: IPS, 2008
Strength of Alloys in Cryogenic Engineering under Electromagnetic Action
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob'Ev
Naukova Dumka, 1990
Прочность материалов и конструкций
ВТ Трощенко, РИ Куриат, АА Лебедев
Киев: Академпериодика, 1086, 2005
Strength of Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures With the Account of Electromagnetic Field Effects [in Russian], Vol. 1, Pisarenko Institute of Problems of Strength
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob’ev
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 2008
Anisotropy of the mechanical characteristics of steel under the effect of electric current pulses and cryogenic temperatures
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii
Strength of materials 27 (10), 597-601, 1995
Effect of a temperature on the mechanical characteristics of ULTEM 9085 thermoplastic produced by additive technology
YM Volkov, EV Vorob’Ev, AV Drozdov, MP Zemtsov, LS Novogrudskii, ...
Strength of Materials 52, 414-418, 2020
Influence of electric current on the mechanical characteristics of rail steel.
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, NY Opravkhata
Strength of materials 42 (4), 2010
Влияние электрического тока на механические характеристики рельсовой стали
ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский, НЯ Оправхата
Проблемы прочности, 2010
Influence of the pliability of a testing machine on the resistance of metals to deformation in the case of jump-like development of their elastoplastic deformation
LS Novogrudskii
Strength of materials 32, 300-305, 2000
Strength of Alloys for Cryogenic Technology with Electromagnetic Effects [in Russian]
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob'ev
Naukova Dumka, 1990
Effect of deep cooling on crack resistance and low-tempe--rature hardening of aluminium alloys
GS Pisarenko, VA Strizhalo, OY Znachkovskij, LS Novogrudskij
Problemy Prochnosti, 27-32, 1984
Strength of Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures with Regard for the Action of Electromagnetic Fields
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob’ev
Institute for Problems of Strength, Kyiv, 2008
Влияние электрического тока на процесс деформирования в зоне концентратора напряжений
ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский, АА Копанев
изв. вузов. Черная металлургия, 44-46, 1993
Device for the Investigation of the Effect of Electric Current on Mechanical Properties of Metals in the Temperature Range 4. 2-300 deg K
NV Novikov, LS Novogrudskii
Ind. Lab.(USSR), 45 (4), 479-480, 1979
On the assessment of the mechanical characteristics of rail steels under operating conditions.
LS Novogrudskii, SZ Stasyuk, NY Opravkhata
Strength of materials 42 (3), 2010
Determination of Reference Temperature T0 for Steel JRQ in an Unirradiated State and Construction of a Master Curve
A Ballesteros, VA Strizhalo, EU Grinik, LS Novogrudskii, LI Chirko, ...
Strength of materials 34, 27-34, 2002
Determination of the energy of electroplastic deformation of metals
VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii
Strength of materials 29 (4), 345-349, 1997
Установка для исследования влияния электрического тока на механические характеристики металлов в интервале температур 4, 2–300 К
НВ Новиков, ЛС Новогрудский
Завод. лаб 45 (4), 374, 1979
Низкотемпературное упрочнение сталей в условиях неоднородного напряженного состояния и действия импульсов электрического тока
ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский
Проблемы прочности, 2007
Ultimate state criteria of structural alloys exposed to the action of electric current pulses
LS Novogrudskii
Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Fracture (Turin), Paper 3931, 2005
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Articles 1–20