Strength of materials at cryogenic temperatures taking into account the action of electromagnetic fields VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudsky, EV Vorobiov Kiev: IPS, 2008 | 43* | 2008 |
Strength of Alloys in Cryogenic Engineering under Electromagnetic Action VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob'Ev Naukova Dumka, 1990 | 36* | 1990 |
Прочность материалов и конструкций ВТ Трощенко, РИ Куриат, АА Лебедев Киев: Академпериодика, 1086, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Strength of Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures With the Account of Electromagnetic Field Effects [in Russian], Vol. 1, Pisarenko Institute of Problems of Strength VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob’ev National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
Anisotropy of the mechanical characteristics of steel under the effect of electric current pulses and cryogenic temperatures VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii Strength of materials 27 (10), 597-601, 1995 | 10* | 1995 |
Effect of a temperature on the mechanical characteristics of ULTEM 9085 thermoplastic produced by additive technology YM Volkov, EV Vorob’Ev, AV Drozdov, MP Zemtsov, LS Novogrudskii, ... Strength of Materials 52, 414-418, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Influence of electric current on the mechanical characteristics of rail steel. VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, NY Opravkhata Strength of materials 42 (4), 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Влияние электрического тока на механические характеристики рельсовой стали ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский, НЯ Оправхата Проблемы прочности, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Influence of the pliability of a testing machine on the resistance of metals to deformation in the case of jump-like development of their elastoplastic deformation LS Novogrudskii Strength of materials 32, 300-305, 2000 | 6* | 2000 |
Strength of Alloys for Cryogenic Technology with Electromagnetic Effects [in Russian] VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob'ev Naukova Dumka, 1990 | 6 | 1990 |
Effect of deep cooling on crack resistance and low-tempe--rature hardening of aluminium alloys GS Pisarenko, VA Strizhalo, OY Znachkovskij, LS Novogrudskij Problemy Prochnosti, 27-32, 1984 | 6 | 1984 |
Strength of Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures with Regard for the Action of Electromagnetic Fields VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob’ev Institute for Problems of Strength, Kyiv, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Влияние электрического тока на процесс деформирования в зоне концентратора напряжений ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский, АА Копанев изв. вузов. Черная металлургия, 44-46, 1993 | 5 | 1993 |
Device for the Investigation of the Effect of Electric Current on Mechanical Properties of Metals in the Temperature Range 4. 2-300 deg K NV Novikov, LS Novogrudskii Ind. Lab.(USSR), 45 (4), 479-480, 1979 | 5* | 1979 |
On the assessment of the mechanical characteristics of rail steels under operating conditions. LS Novogrudskii, SZ Stasyuk, NY Opravkhata Strength of materials 42 (3), 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Determination of Reference Temperature T0 for Steel JRQ in an Unirradiated State and Construction of a Master Curve A Ballesteros, VA Strizhalo, EU Grinik, LS Novogrudskii, LI Chirko, ... Strength of materials 34, 27-34, 2002 | 4 | 2002 |
Determination of the energy of electroplastic deformation of metals VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii Strength of materials 29 (4), 345-349, 1997 | 4 | 1997 |
Установка для исследования влияния электрического тока на механические характеристики металлов в интервале температур 4, 2–300 К НВ Новиков, ЛС Новогрудский Завод. лаб 45 (4), 374, 1979 | 4 | 1979 |
Низкотемпературное упрочнение сталей в условиях неоднородного напряженного состояния и действия импульсов электрического тока ВА Стрижало, ЛС Новогрудский Проблемы прочности, 2007 | 3 | 2007 |
Ultimate state criteria of structural alloys exposed to the action of electric current pulses LS Novogrudskii Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Fracture (Turin), Paper 3931, 2005 | 3 | 2005 |