Микола Азарєнков, Azarenkov N, Азаренков Н
Микола Азарєнков, Azarenkov N, Азаренков Н
Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
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Structures and properties of hard and superhard nanocomposite coatings
AD Pogrebnyak, AP Shpak, NA Azarenkov, VM Beresnev
Physics-Uspekhi 52 (1), 29, 2009
Inductively coupled Ar/CH4/H2 plasmas for low-temperature deposition of ordered carbon nanostructures
IB Denysenko, S Xu, JD Long, PP Rutkevych, NA Azarenkov, K Ostrikov
Journal of applied physics 95 (5), 2713-2724, 2004
Структура и свойства твёрдых и сверхтвёрдых нанокомпозитных покрытий
АД Погребняк, АП Шпак, НА Азаренков, ВМ Береснев
Успехи физических наук 179 (1), 35-64, 2009
Surface magnetoplasma waves at the interface between a plasma-like medium and a metal in the Voigt geometry
NA Azarenkov, KN Ostrikov
Physics Reports 308 (5-6), 333-428, 1999
A model of a large-area planar plasma producer based on surface wave propagation in a plasma-metal structure with a dielectric sheath
NA Azarenkov, IB Denisenko, KN Ostrikov
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 28 (12), 2465, 1995
Effects of ions and atomic hydrogen in plasma-assisted growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes
I Denysenko, K Ostrikov, MY Yu, NA Azarenkov
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (7), 2007
A kinetic model for an argon plasma containing dust grains
I Denysenko, MY Yu, K Ostrikov, NA Azarenkov, L Stenflo
Physics of plasmas 11 (11), 4959-4967, 2004
Nonlinear effects of ionization on surface waves on a plasma–metal interface
KN Ostrikov, MY Yu, NA Azarenkov
Journal of applied physics 84 (8), 4176-4179, 1998
Структура и свойства защитных покрытий и модифицированных слоев
НА Азаренков, ВМ Береснев, АД Погребняк
Харьков: ХНУ, 2007
Vacuum-plasma coatings based on the multielement nitrides
NA Azarenkov, OV Sobol, VM Beresnev, AD Pogrebnyak, DA Kolesnikov, ...
Metallofizika i noveishie tekhnologii 35 (8), 1061-1084, 2013
A global model for the afterglow of pure argon and of argon with negatively charged dust particles
I Denysenko, I Stefanović, B Sikimić, J Winter, NA Azarenkov, N Sadeghi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (20), 205204, 2011
Нанокристаллические и нанокомпозитные покрытия, структура, свойства
ВМ Береснев, АД Погребняк, НА Азаренков, ВИ Фареник, ГВ Кирик
Фізична інженерія поверхні, 4-27, 2007
Инженерия вакуумно-плазменных покрытий
НА Азаренков, ОВ Соболь, АД Погребняк, ВМ Береснев
Харьков: Изд-во ХНУ им. Каразина, 2011
Struktura i svojstva tverdyh i sverhtverdyh nanokompozitnyh pokrytij
AD Pogrebnyak, AP Shpak, NA Azarenkov, VM Beresnev
Uspehi fizicheskih nauk 179 (1), 35-64, 2009
Modeling of argon–acetylene dusty plasma
IB Denysenko, E von Wahl, S Labidi, M Mikikian, H Kersten, T Gibert, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 (1), 014014, 2018
GY Khadzhai, SV Lebedev, VV Sklyar, SN Kamchatnaya, and OV Dobrovolskiy
NA Azarenkov, VN Voevodin, RV Vovk
J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron 28, 15886, 2017
Structure and properties of multilayer nanostructured coatings TiN/MoN depending on deposition conditions
OD Pohrebniak, OV Bondar, BO Postolnyi, МО Lisovenko, OV Kyrychenko, ...
Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, 2014
Ion drag on dust grains in electronegative plasmas
I Denysenko, MY Yu, L Stenflo, NA Azarenkov
Physics of plasmas 12 (4), 2005
Formation of vertically aligned carbon nanostructures in plasmas: numerical modelling of growth and energy exchange
I Denysenko, NA Azarenkov
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 (17), 174031, 2011
Discharging of dust particles in the afterglow of plasma with large dust density
IB Denysenko, I Stefanović, B Sikimić, J Winter, NA Azarenkov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
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