Олена Андрєєва, E. Andreeva, O. Andrieieva, О.Андреєва, Елена Андреева, Е.В. Андреева, О.В.Андрєєва
Олена Андрєєва, E. Andreeva, O. Andrieieva, О.Андреєва, Елена Андреева, Е.В. Андреева, О.В.Андрєєва
Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене uni-sport.edu.ua
Effects of physical activity on aging processes in elderly persons
O Andrieieva, A Hakman, V Kashuba, M Vasylenko, K Patsaliuk, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019
Фізична рекреація різних груп населення: монографія
ОВ Андрєєва
Київ: Поліграф-сервіс, 2014
Modern approaches to improving body constitution of female students within physical education classes
V Kashuba, M Kolos, O Rudnytskyi, V Yaremenko, V Shandrygos, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (4), 2472-2476, 2017
Modern approaches to the problem of values’ formation of students’ healthy lifestyle in the course of physical training
YV Imas, MV Dutchak, OV Andrieieva, VO Kashuba, IL Kensytska, ...
Physical education of students 22 (4), 182-189, 2018
Characteristics of biogeometric profile of posture and quality of life of students during the process of physical education
H Anna, A Olena, K Vitalii, N Igor, C Serhiy, K Inna, T Yuliia, F Felix, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020
Теоретико-методологічні засади рекреаційної діяльності різних груп населення
О Андрєєва
Теорія і методика фізичного виховання і спорту, 29-43, 2015
Physical activity for prevention and correction of postural abnormalities in young women
V Kashuba, O Andrieieva, N Goncharova, V Kyrychenko, ION Karp, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2019
Optimization of the processes of adaptation to the conditions of study at school as a component of health forming activities of primary school-age children
V Kashuba, S Futornyі, O Andrieieva, N Goncharova, I Carp, O Bondar, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018
Современные подходы к здоровьесбережению студентов в процессе физического воспитания
В Кашуба, Е Андреева, С Футорный
Физическое воспитание студентов, 2012
Application of ecological tourism in physical education of primary school age children
O Andrieieva, Y Galan, A Hakman, I Holovach
Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 7 - 15, 2017
Impact of Aquafitness Training on Physical Condition of Early Adulthood Women
V Kashuba, O Andrieieva, A Hakman, I Grygus, O Smoleńska, ...
Teorìâ Ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ 21 (2), 152-157, 2021
Technology of planning and management of leisure activities for working elderly people with a low level of physical activity
A Hakman, O Andrieieva, V Kaşuba, T Omelchenko, I Carp, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 19 (1), 2159-2166, 2019
Assessment of emotional state and mental activity of 15-16 year-old boys and girls who had a low level of physical activity
O Andrieieva, V Kashuba, I Karp, T Blystiv, M Palchuk, N Kovalova, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 19 (1), 1022-1029, 2019
Correction of postural disorders of mature age women in the process of aqua fitness taking into account the body type
N Goncharova, V Kashuba, A Tkachova, T Khabinets, O Kostiuchenko, ...
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 20 (3), 127-136, 2020
Dynamics of physical activity status in patients with grade ²-²²² obesity in response to a physical rehabilitation program
O Lazareva, M Aravitska, O Andrieieva, Y Galan, L Dotsyuk
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (3), 1960-1965, 2017
Dynamics of physical activity status in patients with grade І-ІІІ obesity in response to a physical rehabilitation program
O Lazarieva, M Aravitska, O Andrieieva, Y Galan, L Dotsyuk
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017
Dynamics of physical activity status in patients with grade І-ІІІ obesity in response to a physical rehabilitation program
O Lazarieva, M Aravitska, O Andrieieva, Y Galan, L Dotsyuk
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017
Dynamics of the physical fitness and circumference sizes of body parts as a motivation for self-improvement and self-control in students
H Anna, A Olena, B Halyna, M Natalia, T Viktoria, O Tetiana, S Sergii, ...
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020
Health status and morbidity of children 11-14 years of age during school
O Andrieieva, A Hakman
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018
Peculiarities of physical activity regimen of 11-14-year-old children during curricular and extracurricular hours
O Andrieieva, A Hakman, L Balatska, Y Moseychuk, I Vaskan, O Kljus
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2017
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