Наталия Леонова
Наталия Леонова
Харьковский национальный университет имени В.Н. Каразина
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене karazin.ua
Assessment of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the state of water objects in urbanized and non-urbanized areas in Lozova district (Ukraine)
V Loboichenko, N Leonova, R Shevchenko, A Kapustnik, S Yeremenko, ...
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 22, 2021
Comparative analysis of anthropogenic impact on surface waters in Kharkiv region
V Loboichenko, V Strelets, N Leonova, А Malko, O Ilyinskiy
Kalpana Corporation, 2020
Comparative analysis of the influence of various dry powder fire extinguishing compositions on the aquatic environment
V Loboichenko, N Leonova, V Strelets, A Morozov, R Shevchenko, ...
Water and Energy International 62 (7), 63-68, 2019
Comparative assessment of environmental parameters of foaming agents based on synthetic hydrocarbon used for extinguishing the fires of oil and petroleum products
VV Strelets, VM Loboichenko, NA Leonova, RI Shevchenko, VM Strelets, ...
“OilGasScientificResearchProject” Institute, SOCAR., 2021
Spatiо-temporal study of the ecological state of water bodies located within the detached objects of the urbanized territory of Ukraine
V Loboichenko, N Leonova, R Shevchenko, V Strelets, A Morozov
Lublin University of Technology, 2021
Effect of inorganic components of fire foaming agents on the aquatic environment
M Gurbanova, V Loboichenko, N Leonova, V Strelets
Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry 7 (3), 833-844, 2020
Analysis of the Influence of Anthropogenic Factors of the Urbanized Territory of Poltava Region (Ukraine) on the State of River Water.
V Strelets, V Loboichenko, N Leonova, R Shevchenko, V Telelim, ...
Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE), 2022
Comparative assessment of the ecological characteristics of auxiliary organic compounds in the composition of foaming agents used for fire fighting
M Gurbanova, V Loboichenko, N Leonova, V Strelets, R Shevchenko
Examining the applicability of polar organic chemical integrative sampler for long-term monitoring of groundwater contamination caused by currently used pesticides
P Tarábek, B Vrana, K Chalupková, A Bednáriková, L Okšová, P Bystrický, ...
Science of The Total Environment 903, 165905, 2023
Study of the features of determination of heavy metals in bottom sediments
V Loboichenko, N Nikitina, N Leonova, O Konovalova, A Bondarenko, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1348 (1), 012014, 2024
Protective Disposable Face Masks Used During the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Source of Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment–A Study of Short-Term Effects
V Loboichenko, N Leonova, O Shevchenko, O Blyashenko, A Soshinskiy, ...
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 24, 2023
Investigation of the content of heavy metals in water sources of Kharkiv City, Ukraine
V Loboichenko, K Zakomorna, O Ilinskyi, N Leonova, A Malko, ...
Study of Short-Term Effects on the Soil of Disposable Protective Face Masks Used in the COVID-19 Pandemic
N Leonova, V Loboichenko, M Divizinyuk, R Shevchenko
Key Engineering Materials 925, 197-210, 2022
The determination of concentrations of ions Zn2+, Cd2+, Mn2+ with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in aqueous-micellar medium on two-dimensional absorption spectra of wave length by …
NAL Anatoliy V. Drozd, Olga S. Kalinenko
Studia Universitates Babeş-Bolyai Chemia 58 (1), 93-103, 2013
Identification of organic contaminants in water and related matrices using untargeted liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry screening with MS/MS libraries
P Tarábek, N Leonova, O Konovalova, M Kirchner
Chemosphere 366, 143489, 2024
4.3. Innovative technologies in the prevention of emergencies due to the ingress of protective masks for medical and non-medical purpose into the environment
V Loboichenko, N Leonova, V Strelets
Publishing House of University of Technology, 2021
Calculation and Analytical Methods for Determining the Content of Heavy Metals in Fish as an Element of Anthropogenic Load Research
N Leonova, V Loboichenko, A Bondarenko
New Dimensions of Environmental Biology, 2021
Spectrophotometric determination of concentrations of Co (II) and Ni (II) in complex with 1-(2-pirydylazo)-2-naphthol in aqueous micellar medium
NA Leonova, OI Yurchenko, AS Batrak
Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, 153-160, 2014
Спектрофотометрическое определение концентраций Со (II) и Ni (II) в комплексах с 1-(2-пиридилазо)-2-нафтолом в водно-мицеллярной среде
АСБ Н. А. Леонова, О.И. Юрченко
Вісник Харківського національного університету 1136 (24 (47)), 153-160, 2014
Spectrophotometic determination of Ni2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Cu2+ concentrations with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in aqueous-micellar medium based on two intensive parameters
NL Anatoliy Drozd
Chemistry & Chemical Technology 8 (2), 129-134, 2014
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