Timur Kartbayev
Timur Kartbayev
Інші іменаТимур Картбаев
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в qyzpu.edu.kz - Домашня сторінка
Biometric technology in securing the Internet using large neural network technology
B Akhmetov, A Doszhanova, A Ivanov, T Kartbayev, A Malygin
World Academy of science, Engineering and technology, 129-139, 2013
Research of a fiber sensor based on fiber Bragg grating for road surface monitoring
G Kashaganova, A Kozbakova, T Kartbayev, G Balbayev, K Togzhanova, ...
Electronics 12 (11), 2491, 2023
Decision support system about investments in smart city in conditions of incomplete information
B Akhmetov, V Lakhno, V Malyukov, S Sarsimbayeva, M Zhumadilova, ...
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 661-670, 2019
Biometric Dynamic Personality Authentication in Open Information Space
BS Akhmetov, AI Ivanov, TS Kartbaev, AY Malygin, K Mukapil
International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications 4 (5), 846-855, 2013
Modeling of the decision-making procedure for financing of cyber security means of cloud services by the medium of a bilinear multistep quality game with several terminal surfaces
V Lakhno, B Akhmetov, V Malyukov, T Kartbaev
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 64 (4), 467-472, 2018
Оценка вероятностей появления ошибок нейросетевых преобразователей биометрия-код на основе малых выборок
БС Ахметов, АИ Иванов, АЮ Малыгин, ТС Картбаев
В сб. мат. II Международной научной конференции «Высокие технологии-залог …, 2013
Model for the decision support system during the procedure of investment projects assessment in the field of enterprise digitalization considering multifactorality
T Kartbayev, V Lakhno, V Malyukov, A Turgynbayeva, ZH Alimseitova, ...
J. Theor. Appl. Inf. Technol 100 (7), 1684-1692, 2022
Web technologies for marketing strategy of industrial tourism development
I Komarnitskyi, A Khanenko, S Horchynskyi, O Borisyuk, S Popovych, ...
Journal of theoretical and applied information technology 100 (06), 1598-1600, 2022
Analysis of methods and information technologies for dynamic planning of smart city development
VA Lakhno, DY Kasatkin, TS Kartbayev, KO Togzhanova, ZK Alimseitova, ...
International journal of advanced trends in computer science and engineering …, 2020
A Study of Data Mining Methods for Breast Cancer Prediction
Y Gültepe, T Kartbaev
Proceedings Book 303, 2019
Development of a computer system for identity authentication using artificial neural networks
T Kartbayev, B Akhmetov, A Doszhanova, K Mukapil, A Kalizhanova, ...
Image Analysis and Stereology 36 (1), 51-64, 2017
Testing the quality of teaching the biometrical-code transformers
BS Akhmetov, AI Ivanov, TS Kartbayev, AU Kalizhanova, K Mukapil, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 191, 2261-2266, 2015
Энтропийно-корреляционный подход к расчету вероятности совместного появления большого числа зависимых событий
Б Ахметов, А Иванов, Т Картбаев, Д Надеев, А Малыгин, И Огнев
Вестник КБТУ 2 (25), 54-58, 2013
Highly Reliable Human - Being Personality's Multi - Biometric Authentication to Support Citizens Interaction
V Volchihin, BS Akhmetov, A Ivanov, TS Kartbayev, A Malygin
Global Journal on Technology 3, 2013
Highly reliable multi-biometric authentication of human-being personality to support citizens interaction with E-government and E-business
BS Akhmetov, VI Volchihin, AI Ivanov, TS Kartbayev, AY Malygin
III World conference on information technology, 14-16, 2012
Analysis of existing and development prospects of decision support systems for evaluating investment projects in the field of enterprise digitalization
VA Lakhno, TS Kartbayev, AA Turginbayeva, K Alimseitova Zh, ...
International Journal 9 (5), 2020
Численное моделирование волоконной решетки Брэгга в среде Matlab
ГБ Кашаганова, СН Амиргалиева, АУ Калижанова, ТС Картбаев, ...
Труды Международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество» 1, 329-333, 2018
О связи высокоразмерной энтропии и высокоразмерной корреляции с математическим ожиданием модулей коэффициентов парной корреляции
БС Ахметов, АИ Иванов, ТС Картбаев, АЮ Малыгин, ДН Надеев, ...
Информационные системы и математические методы в экономике и инновацион-ном …, 2013
Risk assessment of investment losses aimed at the development of smart city systems
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 99 (15), 3683-3692, 2021
Development of decision support system based on feature matrix for cyber threat assessment
KS Timur, A Bakhytzhan, D Aliya, L Valery, T Sharapatdin, F Malikova
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication 65 (4), 545-550, 2019
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