Illya Chaikovsky, Чайковский Илья
Illya Chaikovsky, Чайковский Илья
Інститут кібернетики імені В.М. Глушкова НАН україни
Нет подтвержденного адреса электронной почты
The value of magnetocardiography in patients with and without relevant stenoses of the coronary arteries using an unshielded system
B Hailer, I Chaikovsky, S AUTH‐EISERNITZ, H Schäfer, P Van Leeuwen
Pacing and clinical electrophysiology 28 (1), 8-16, 2005
Magnetocardiography in coronary artery disease with a new system in an unshielded setting
B Hailer, I Chaikovsky, S Auth‐Eisernitz, H Schäfer, F Steinberg, ...
Clinical Cardiology: An International Indexed and Peer‐Reviewed Journal for …, 2003
Detection of coronary artery disease in patients with normal or unspecifically changed ECG on the basis of magnetocardiography
I Chaikovsky, J Kohler, T Hecker, B Hailer, S Auth-Eisernitz, V Sosnytsky, ...
Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 565-568, 2000
Method for generating three standard surface ECG leads derived from three electrodes contained in the mid-horizontal plane of the torso
DJ Misczynski, V Bukhman, M Budnyk, I Chaykovsky
US Patent App. 11/843,183, 2009
Electrocardiogram scoring beyond the routine analysis: subtle changes matters
I Chaikovsky
Expert Review of Medical Devices 17 (5), 379-382, 2020
The value of magnetocardiography in the course of coronary intervention
B Hailer, P Van Leeuwen, I Chaikovsky, S Auth‐Eisernitz, H Schäfer, ...
Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology 10 (2), 188-196, 2005
Інтелектуальні технології в медичній діагностиці, лікуванні та реабілітації
ОГ Аврунін, ЄВ Бодянський, ВО Філатов, СВ Павлов, СМ Злепко, ...
«ТД «Едельвейс і К», 2019
Медицинские аспекты применения устройства ФАЗАГРАФ в клинической практике и в домашних условиях
ИА Чайковский, ЛС Файнзильберг
Киев: МНУЦ ИТИС 74, 2009
Predictive value of the complex magnetocardiographic index in patients with intermediate pretest probability of chronic coronary artery disease: results of a two-center study
I Chaikovsky, B Hailer, V Sosnytskyy, M Lutay, G Mjasnikov, A Kazmirchuk, ...
Coronary Artery Disease 25 (6), 474-484, 2014
Assessment of the post-traumatic damage of myocardium in patients with combat trauma using a data mining analysis of an electrocardiogram
I Chaikovsky, O Kryvova, A Kazmirchyk, G Mjasnikov, S Sofienko, ...
2019 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), 34-38, 2019
Magnetocardiography in clinical practice: algorithms and technologies for data analysis
I Chaĭkovskiĭ, M Boĭchak, V Sosnitskiĭ, G Miasnikov, E Rykhlik, ...
Likars' ka Sprava, 3-20, 2011
Анализ электрокардиограммы в одном, шести и двенадцати отведениях с точки зрения информационной ценности: электрокардиографический каскад
ИА Чайковский
Клиническая информатика и телемедицина, 48-58, 2013
Sensitivity and specificity of magnetocardiography, using computerized classification of current density vectors maps, in ischemic patients with normal ECG and echocardiogram
L Fainzilberg, I Chaikovsky, S Auth-Eisernitz, B Awolin, D Ivaschenko, ...
International Congress Series 1300, 468-471, 2007
Ischemic heart disease recognition by k-NN classification of current density distribution maps
Y Udovychenko, A Popov, I Chaikovsky
2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2015
Predictive value of the magnetocardiogram for location of regional ischemia or infarction as detected by quantitative analysis of the coronary arteriogram
S Ebmeyer, I Chaikovsky, B Hailer, R Erbel, H Wojczik, M Budnyk, ...
International Congress Series 1300, 463-467, 2007
k-NN binary classification of heart failures using myocardial current density distribution maps
Y Udovychenko, A Popov, I Chaikovsky
2015 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), 1-5, 2015
Эффективность оценки течения острого коронарного синдрома по данным анализа первого отведения ЭКГ на фазовой плоскости
ИА Чайковский, ВВ Батушкин, ЛС Файнзильберг, ЛА Стаднюк, ...
Журнал Академії медичних наук.–2007.–13, 104-113, 2007
Диагностическая ценность электрокардиограммы в фазовом пространстве для скрининга ишемическаой болезни сердца/ОС Файнзильберг
ЛС Файнзильберг
Український кардіологічний журнал 6, 13-18, 2007
Telerehabilitation: Information and technological support, experience of application
AV Palagin, TV Semikopnaya, IA Chaikovsky, OV Sivak
1 VM Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv 2 Center for …, 1
New metrics to assess the subtle changes of the heart's electromagnetic field
I Chaikovsky, M Primin, I Nedayvoda, A Kazmirchuk, Y Frolov, M Boreyko
Advanced Methods in Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis, 257-310, 2023
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