Sergey Krivoi
Sergey Krivoi
Other namesKryvyi S. L., Kryvyi Sergii, Krivoi S.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
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Онтологические методы и средства обработки предметных знаний
АВ Палагин, НГ Петренко, СЛ Крывый
Лекции по дискретной математике
ЮВ Капитонова, СЛ Кривой, АА Летичевский, ГМ Луцкий
СПб.: БХВ-Петербург 624, 8, 2004
Synthesis of neural-like networks on the basis of conversion of cyclic Hamming codes
VN Opanasenko, SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 53, 627-635, 2017
Знание-ориентированные информационные системы с обработкой естественно-языковых объектов: основы методологии и архитектурно-структурная организация
АВ Палагин, СЛ Кривой, НГ Петренко
Управляющие системы и машины, 2009
О некоторых методах решения и критериях совместности систем линейных диофантовых уравнений в области натуральных чисел
СЛ Крывый
Кибернетика и системный анализ, 12-36, 1999
The implementation of extended arithmetics on FPGA-based structures
A Palagin, V Opanasenko
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
Synthesis of adaptive logical networks on the basis of Zhegalkin polynomials
VN Opanasenko, SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 51, 969-977, 2015
Algorithms for solution of systems of linear Diophantine equations in residue fields
SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 43 (2), 171, 2007
Iterative methods of program analysis
AB Godlevskii, YV Kapitonova, SL Krivoi, AA Letichevskii
Cybernetics 25 (2), 139-152, 1989
Green IT engineering: components, networks and systems implementation
V Kharchenko, Y Kondratenko, J Kacprzyk
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Resource and energy optimization oriented development of FPGA-based adaptive logical networks for classification problem
AV Palagin, VM Opanasenko, SL Kryvyi
Green IT Engineering: Components, Networks and Systems Implementation, 195-218, 2017
The structure of FPGA-based cyclic-code converters
A Palagin, V Opanasenko, S Krivoi
Optical Memory and Neural Networks 22, 207-216, 2013
Partitioning the full range of boolean functions based on the threshold and threshold relation
VN Opanasenko, SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 48, 459-468, 2012
Algorithms for solving systems of linear Diophantine equations in integer domains
SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 42, 163-175, 2006
Criteria of satisfiability for homogeneous systems of linear diophantine constraints
S Krivoi
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 264-271, 2001
Methods of solution and criteria of consistency of systems of linear diophantine equations over the set of natural numbers1
SL Kryvyi
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 35 (4), 516-538, 1999
Design of grid structures on the basis of transition systems with the substantiation of the correctness of their operation
SL Kryvyi, YV Boyko, SD Pogorilyy, OF Boretskyi, MM Glybovets
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 53, 105-114, 2017
Linear Diophantine constraints and their applications
SL Kryvyi
Chernivtsi: Bukrek Publishing House, 2015
Алгоритмы решения систем линейных диофантовых уравнений в контексте проблемы выполнимости ограничений. ЧI
СЛ Крывый
Інженерія програмного забезпечення, 6-19, 2014
Концептуальные графы и семантические сети в системах обработки естественно-языковой информации
АВ Палагин, СЛ Кривой, НГ Петренко
Математические машины и системы 1 (3), 67-79, 2009
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Articles 1–20