Владимир Болюх, V.F. Bolyukh
Владимир Болюх, V.F. Bolyukh
НТУ "ХПИ", National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
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Cited by
Handbook of stem cells, two-volume set: volume 1-Embryonic stem cells; volume 2-Adult & fetal stem cells
R Lanza, C Verfaillie, I Weissman, MD West, H Blau, J Gearhart, B Hogan, ...
Elsevier, 2004
Kinetic vitrification of spermatozoa of vertebrates: what can we learn from nature?
II Katkov, AB Sushko, AGM Lulat, AY Grigoriev, E Isachenko, I Yakhnenko, ...
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2012
High-efficiency impact electromechanical converter
VF Bolyukh, VF Luchuk, MA Rassokha, IS Shchukin
Russian electrical engineering 82 (2), 104-110, 2011
The thermal state of an electromechanical induction converter with impact action in the cyclic operation mode
VF Bolyukh, IS Shchukin
Russian electrical engineering 83 (10), 571-576, 2012
Concept of an induction-dynamic catapult for a ballistic laser gravimeter
VF Bolyukh, AI Vinnichenko
Measurement techniques 56 (10), 1098-1104, 2014
Lineinye induktsionnodinamicheskie preobrazovateli [Linear induction-dynamic converters]
VF Bolyukh, S IS
Saarbrucken, Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publ, 2014
Лінійні електромеханічні перетворювачі імпульсної дії. – Монографія. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ»
ДВГ Болюх В.Ф.
The influence of the parameters of a ferromagnetic shield on the efficiency of a linear induction—dynamic converter
VF Bolyukh, SV Oleksenko
Russian electrical engineering 86, 425-431, 2015
Comparative analysis of linear pulse electromechanical converters electromagnetic and induction types
VF Bolyukh, SV Oleksenko, IS Shchukin
Технiчна електродинамiка, 46-48, 2016
Сравнительный анализ линейных импульсных электромеханических преобразователей электромагнитного и индукционного типов
ВФ Болюх, СВ Олексенко, ИС Щукин
Технічна електродинаміка, 46-48, 2016
Efficiency of linear pulse electromechanical converters designed to create impact loads and high speeds.
VF Bolyukh, SV Oleksenko, IS Schukin
Electrical engineering & electromechanics, 2015
Influence of the Form of Pulse of Excitation on the Speed and Power Parameters of the Linear Pulse Electromechanical Converter of the Induction Type
VF Bolyukh, II Katkov
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 59384 …, 2019
Prospectives of new coilgun design development
VT Chemerys, VF Bolyukh
Artillery and small arms 3, 44-52, 2008
Cryogenic cooling system “Krioblast” increased efficiency and lowered the operation time of protective electrical induction-induced devices
VF Bolyukh, II Katkov
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56352 …, 2013
Investigation of a linear pulse-induction electromechanical converter with different inductor power supply circuits
VF Bolyukh, AI Kocherga, IS Schukin
Электротехника и электромеханика, 21-28, 2018
Method and scalable devices for hyper-fast cooling
I Katkov, VF Bolyukh, VS Lupikov
US Patent 9,557,090, 2017
Основи електроніки та мікропроцесорної техніки: Навчальний посібник. – К., Освіта України (гриф №1/11-3884 від 11.05.10)
ДВГ Болюх В.Ф.
Основи електроніки та мікропроцесорної техніки: Навчальний посібник. – Харків: НТУ "ХПІ"
ДВГ Болюх В.Ф.
Линейные индукционно-динамические преобразователи
ВФ Болюх, ИС Щукин
Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (http://www.lap …, 2014
Parameters of high-efficiency pulsed inductive electromechanical converters
VF Bolyukh, LI Lysenko, EG Bolyukh
Russian Electrical Engineering 75 (12), 1-11, 2004
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Articles 1–20