Samuel Pinilla
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Cited by
Shift-variant color-coded diffractive spectral imaging system
H Arguello, S Pinilla, Y Peng, H Ikoma, J Bacca, G Wetzstein
Optica 8 (11), 1424-1434, 2021
Phase retrieval algorithm via nonconvex minimization using a smoothing function
S Pinilla, J Bacca, H Arguello
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (17), 4574-4584, 2018
Miniature color camera via flat hybrid meta-optics
S Pinilla, JE Fröch, SR Miri Rostami, V Katkovnik, I Shevkunov, ...
Science Advances 9 (21), eadg7297, 2023
An overview of advances in signal processing techniques for classical and quantum wideband synthetic apertures
P Vouras, KV Mishra, A Artusio-Glimpse, S Pinilla, A Xenaki, DW Griffith, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 17 (2), 317-369, 2023
Hybrid diffractive optics design via hardware-in-the-loop methodology for achromatic extended-depth-of-field imaging
S Pinilla, SR Miri Rostami, I Shevkunov, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
Optics Express 30 (18), 32633-32649, 2022
Super-resolution phase retrieval from designed coded diffraction patterns
J Bacca, S Pinilla, H Arguello
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 2598-2609, 2019
Coded diffraction system in x-ray crystallography using a boolean phase coded aperture approximation
S Pinilla, J Poveda, H Arguello
Optics Communications 410, 707-716, 2018
Phase recovery guarantees from designed coded diffraction patterns in optical imaging
A Guerrero, S Pinilla, H Arguello
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 5687-5697, 2020
Coded aperture design for solving the phase retrieval problem in X-ray crystallography
S Pinilla, H García, L Díaz, J Poveda, H Arguello
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 338, 111-128, 2018
Unfolding-aided bootstrapped phase retrieval in optical imaging: Explainable AI reveals new imaging frontiers
S Pinilla, KV Mishra, I Shevkunov, M Soltanalian, V Katkovnik, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 40 (2), 46-60, 2023
Power-balanced hybrid optics boosted design for achromatic extended depth-of-field imaging via optimized mixed OTF
SRM Rostami, S Pinilla, I Shevkunov, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
Applied Optics 60 (30), 9365-9378, 2021
Fast target detection via template matching in compressive phase retrieval
A Jerez, S Pinilla, H Arguello
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 6, 934-944, 2020
Stochastic Truncated Wirtinger Flow Algorithm for phase retrieval using boolean coded apertures
S Pinilla, C Noriega, H Arguello
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
Phase retrieval for radar waveform design
S Pinilla, KV Mishra, BM Sadler, H Arguello
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 13 (3), 2024
Banraw: Band-limited radar waveform design via phase retrieval
S Pinilla, KV Mishra, BM Sadler, H Arguello
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
WaveMax: FrFT-based convex phase retrieval for radar waveform design
S Pinilla, KV Mishra, B Sadler
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2387-2392, 2021
Hybrid diffractive optics (DOE & refractive lens) for broadband EDoF imaging
SR MiriRostami, S Pinilla, I Shevkunov, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
Electronic Imaging 35, 1-14, 2023
Improved Imaging by Invex Regularizers with Global Optima Guarantees
S Pinilla, T Mu, N Bourne, J Thiyagalingam, 2022
Multi-resolution reconstruction algorithm for compressive single pixel spectral imaging
H Garcia, CV Correa, O Villarreal, S Pinilla, H Arguello
2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 468-472, 2017
Phase recovery from diffraction patterns using boolean coded apertures and the truncated wirtinger flow algorithm
S Pinilla, H Arguello
Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, JT3A. 28, 2016
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Articles 1–20