Serhii Reshetniak
Serhii Reshetniak
Other namesSergey Reshetnyak, Sergey Reshetniak, Sergiy Reshetniak
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
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Cited by
Reflection and refraction of spin waves in uniaxial magnets in the geometrical-optics approximation
YI Gorobets, SA Reshetnyak
Technical Physics 43, 188-191, 1998
Electrolyte vortex flows induced by a steady-state magnetic field in the vicinity of a steel wire used as an accelerator of the chemical reaction rate
SV Gorobets, OY Gorobets, SA Reshetnyak
Magnetohydrodynamics 39 (2), 211-214, 2003
Refraction of surface spin waves in spatially inhomogeneous ferrodielectrics with biaxial magnetic anisotropy
SA Reshetnyak
Physics of the Solid State 46, 1061-1067, 2004
Преломление поверхностных спиновых волн в пространственно неоднородных ферродиэлектриках с двуосной магнитной анизотропией
СА Решетняк
Физика твердого тела 46 (6), 1031-1037, 2004
Permanent magnetic field as an accelerator of chemical reaction and an initiator of rotational motion of electrolyte flows near thin steel wire
SV Gorobets, OY Gorobets, SA Reshetnyak
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 272, 2408-2409, 2004
Отражение спиновых волн в мультислойных магнитных материалах с модулированными магнитными параметрами
ЮИ Горобец, АН Кучко, СЮ Решетняк
ФТТ 38 (2), 575-580, 1996
Reflection of spin waves in multilayer materials with modulated magnetic parameters
YI Gorobets, AN Kuchko, SA Reshetnyak
Physics of the Solid State 38 (2), 315-317, 1996
Modulated magnetic structure and spin waves in hexagonal CsCuCl 3-type antiferromagnets
AL Sukstanskii, EP Stefanovskii, SA Reshetnyak, VN Varyukhin
Physical Review B 61 (13), 8843, 2000
Reflection of spin waves in multilayered materials with modulated magnetic parameters
YI Gorobets, AN Kuchko, SA Reshetnyak
Fizika Tverdogo Tela 38 (2), 575-580, 1996
The approximation of geometrical optics for bulk spin waves in spatially inhomogeneous ferromagnetic insulators with an exchange defect
SA Reshetnyak
Low Temperature Physics 30 (4), 295-298, 2004
Reflection and refraction of spin waves in uniaxial magnets in the approximation of geometric optics
OY Gorobets, SA Reshetnyak
Zhurnal Tehnicheskoj Fiziki 68 (2), 60-63, 1998
Influence of damping parameter on reflection of bulk spin waves from the uniaxial multilayer ferromagnetic structure
YI Gorobets, SA Reshetnyak, TA Homenko
Functional Materials, 2008
Приближение геометрической оптики для объемных спиновых волн в пространственно неоднородных ферродиэлектриках с дефектом обмена
СА Решетняк
Физика низких температур, 2004
Reflection of spin waves from a ferromagnetic multilayer with interfacial coupling of finite strength (reflection of spin waves from multilayer)
Y Gorobets, S Reshetnyak
Open Physics 6 (1), 7-13, 2008
Influence of exchange properties of the interface on the reflection of surface spin waves from a uniaxial multilayer ferromagnet
SA Reshetnyak
Low Temperature Physics 33 (1), 66-69, 2007
Refraction of bulk spin waves on a boundary of two homogeneous easy-axis antiferromagnetic media
SA Reshetnyak, VY Gorobets
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 290, 1025-1028, 2005
The approach of geometrical optics for bulk spin waves in spatially inhomogeneous ferrodielectric materials with exchange defect; Priblizhenie geometricheskoj optiki dlya ob …
SA Reshetnyak
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 30, 2004
Refraction of surface spin waves in spatially inhomogeneous ferrodielectrics with two-axial magnetic anisotropy
SA Reshetnyak
Fizika Tverdogo Tela 46 (6), 1031-1037, 2004
Reflection of magnetoelastic waves on the boundary of two ferromagnetic media with different strength of coupling in the interface
Y Gorobets, S Reshetnyak, T Khomenko
Acta Physica Polonica A 117 (1), 211-214, 2010
Влияние обменных свойств интерфейса на отражение поверхностных спиновых волн от одноосного мультислойного ферромагнетика
СА Решетняк
Физика низких температур, 2007
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Articles 1–20