Кулібаба Роман Олександрович
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Polymorphism of prolactin and growth hormone genes in chicken lines of ukrainian selection
RO Kulibaba, OP Podstreshnyi
Cytology and Genetics 46 (6), 390-395, 2012
Polymorphism of growth hormone, growth hormone receptor, prolactin and prolactin receptor genes in connection with egg production in Poltava clay chicken
RA Kulibaba
Сельскохозяйственная биология, 198-207, 2015
Transforming growth factor β1, pituitary-specific transcriptional factor 1 and insulin-like growth factor I gene polymorphisms in the population of the Poltava clay chicken …
RA Kulibaba, AV Tereshchenko
Agricultural science and practice, 67-72, 2015
Widely Applicable PCR Markers for Sex Identification in Birds
GR Romanov M, Betuel A, Chemnick L, Ryder O, Kulibaba R, Tereshchenko O ...
Russian Journal of Genetics 55 (2), 220-231, 2019
Novel AluI-polymorphism in the fourth intron of chicken growth hormone gene
RA Kulibaba, YV Liashenko, PS Yurko
Cytology and Genetics 51 (1), 54-59, 2017
MspI-polymorphism in fourth intron of the growth hormone gene in chicken populations of different breeds: Analysis of the causes of additional restriction pattern …
RA Kulibaba, PS Yurko, YV Liashenko
Cytology and genetics 49, 372-377, 2015
Comparative analysis of A1 and A2 allele detection efficiency for bovine CSN2 gene by AS-PCR methods
R Kulibaba, M Sakhatskyi, Y Liashenko
Acta Biochimica Polonica 70, 2023
Influence of the PCR artifacts on the genotyping efficiency by the microsatellite loci using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
RA Kulibaba, YV Liashenko
Cytology and Genetics 50 (3), 162-167, 2016
Polymorphism of LEP and TNF-α genes in the dairy cattle populations of Ukrainian selection
R Kulibaba, Y Liashenko, P Yurko, M Sakhatskyi, Y Osadcha, ...
Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences 34 (1), 180-191, 2021
Генетическая дифференциация пород кур украинской селекции с использованием различных типов молекулярно-генетических маркеров
РА Кулибаба, ЮВ Ляшенко, ПС Юрко
Сельскохозяйственная биология 53 (2), 282-292, 2018
Genetic structure features of cattle populations of Ukrainian selection by polymorphism of loci, associated with milk productivity traits
R Kulibaba, Y Liashenko, P Yurko
Agricultural Science and Practice 6 (3), 37-44, 2019
Analysis of calpastatin and сallipyge genes polymorphism in Prydniprovska meat sheep
I Pomitun, V Rossokha, Y Boyko, O Guzevatyi, M Shpilka, R Kulibaba
Agricultural Science and Practice 6 (2), 58-65, 2019
Analysis of the genetic structure of a population of Lebedyn cattle by microsatellite markers
VІ Ladyka, LM Khmelnychyi, YV Lyashenko, RO Kulibaba
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 10 (1), 45-49, 2019
Analysis of CHD Gene Polymorphism as a Model Object for Molecular Sexing of Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo)
RO Kulibaba, YV Liashenko
Cytology and Genetics 55, 324-330, 2021
Genetic structure of Rhode-Island Red chicken breed population on PRL and INS loci. Associations between genotype and chicken productivity
LV Shulika, RO Kulibaba
Archiva Zootechnica 21 (1), 51-59, 2018
Polymorphism of TLR1, TLR4, and SLC11A1 genes in populations of different cattle breeds of Ukrainian selection
R Kulibaba, Y Liashenko, O Ivashchenko
Agricultural Science and Practice 8 (3), 25-34, 2021
Serum clinical biochemical markers of Hy-Line W-36 laying hens under the influence of increased stocking densities in cages of multilevel batteries
YV Osadcha, MI Sakhatsky, RO Kulibaba
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 12 (3), 425-429, 2021
Polymorphism of CSN2 and TNF-α Genes in the Population of Holstein Cattle Bred in Ukraine
RO Kulibaba, YV Liashenko, MI Sakhatskyi
Cytology and Genetics 58 (1), 29-38, 2024
Analysis of genotyping features of bovine cattle individuals at the CSN2 locus using ACRS-PCR methods
R Kulibaba
Productivity of cows of the Ukrainian red-spotted dairy breed with different genotypes according to the TLR1, SLC11A1 and CSN2 loci
O Ivashchenko, R Kulibaba
Ukrainian Black Sea Region Agrarian Science 26 (2), 35-42, 2022
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