Олександр Олександрович Борщ / Olexandr Borshch / 0000-0002-8450-2109
Олександр Олександрович Борщ / Olexandr Borshch / 0000-0002-8450-2109
Білоцерківський національний аграрний університет ( БНАУ ) / Bila Tserkva National Agrarian
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Cited by
Adaptation strategy of different cow genotypes to the voluntary milking system
OO Borshch, BV Gutyj, OI Sobolev, OV Borshch, SY Ruban, VV Bilkevich, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 145-150, 2020
Effect of fennel (foeniculum vulgare) seed powder consumption on insulin-like growth factor 1 gene expression in the liver tissue of growing lambs
M Shahsavari, M Mohammadabadi, A Khezri, O Borshch, O Babenko, ...
Gene Expression 21 (2), 21-26, 2022
The impact of high temperatures on respiration rate, breathing condition and productivity of dairy cows in different production systems.
S Ruban, OO Borshch, OV Borshch, O Orischuk, Y Balatskiy, ...
Comfort and cow behavior during periods of intense precipitation
OO Borshch, SY Ruban, BV Gutyj, OV Borshch, OI Sobolev, LT Kosior, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (6), 98-102, 2020
The influence of genotypic and phenotypic factors on the comfort and welfare rates of cows during the period of global climate changes
OO Borshch, S Ruban, OV Borshch
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, 2021
Selenium in natural environment and food chains. A Review.
OI Sobolev, BV Gutyj, SV Sobolievа, ОO Borshch, VM Nedashkivsky, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (4), 148-158, 2020
Effect of three bedding materials on the microclimate conditions, cows behavior and milk yield
O Borsch, S Ruban, O Babenko
The Genomic Potentials of NOB and Comammox Nitrospira in River Sediment Are Impacted by Native Freshwater Mussels
EM Black, CL Just
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2061, 2018
Hematological status of cows with different stress tolerance
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (7), 14-21, 2021
Chemical composition, energy and biological value of broiler chicken meat caused by various doses of selenium
OI Sobolev, BV Gutyj, SV Sobolievа, ОO Borshch, VА Liskovich, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 9 (4), 622-627, 2019
Suchasni tekhnolohiyi vyrobnytstva moloka.(osoblyvosti ekspluatatsiyi, tekhnolohichni rishennya, eskizni proekty)[Modern milk production technologies.(peculiarities of …
SY Ruban, OV Borshch, OO Borshch
Kharkiv: STYLIZDAT (in Ukrainian), 2017
Сучасні технології виробництва молока (особливості експлуатації, технологічні рішення, ескізні проекти)
СЮ Рубан, ОВ Борщ, ОО Борщ, ВМ Клочков, ЄВ Лисенко, ЛВ Мітіогло, ...
ФОП Бровін, 2017
Modeling the effect of different dose of selenium additives in compound feed on the efficiency of broiler chicken growth
OI Sobolev, DV Lisohurska, PV Pyvovar, PР Topolnytskyi, BV Gutyj, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (2), 292-299, 2021
A Review of germanium environmental distribution, migration and accumulation
OI Sobolev, BV Gutyj, SV Sobolievа, ОO Borshch, IM Kushnir, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (2), 200-208, 2020
The influence of crossbreeding on the protein composition, nutritional and energy value of cow milk
O Borshch, L Kosior, I Lastovska, L Pirova
Agricultural Academy, 2019
Wind speed in easily assembled premises with different design constructions for side curtains in winter
OO Borshch, OV Borshch, OI Sobolev, VM Nadtochii, MV Slusar, BV Gutyj, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (1), 325-328, 2021
Bioenergetic and ethological features of the first-calf heifers of different genotypes
OO Borshch, SY Ruban, OV Borshch, VM Polishchuk
Ukrainian journal of veterinary and agricultural sciences 4 (1), 51-55, 2021
Influence of various litter materials and premises characteristics on the comfort and behavior of cows
OO Borshch, OV Borshch, LT Kosior, LV Pirova, IO Lastovska
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 7 (4), 529-535, 2017
Strength of limbs and hoof horn from local Ukrainian cows and their crossbreeding with Brown Swiss and Montbeliarde breeds
OO Borshch, SY Ruban, OV Borshch, OI Sobolev, BV Gutyj, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (3), 174-177, 2021
Amino acid and mineral composition of milk from local Ukrainian cows and their crossbreedings with Brown Swiss and Montbeliarde breeds
A Borshch, M Lutsenko, S Merzlov, L Kosior, I Lastovska, L Pirova
Faculty of Animal Agriculture, Diponegoro University and Indonesian Society …, 2018
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