Юрій Отрош | Yurii Otrosh
Юрій Отрош | Yurii Otrosh
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
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About need of calculations for the steel framework building in temperature influences conditions
Y Otrosh, O Semkiv, E Rybka, A Kovalov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (1), 012065, 2019
Methodology remaining lifetime determination of the building structures
A Kovalov, O Semkiv, I Rudeshko, V Diven
MATEC Web of Conferences 230, 02023 (2018), 2018
Fire resistance evaluation of reinforced concrete floors with fire-retardant coating by calculation and experimental method
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, O Ostroverkh, O Hrushovinchuk, O Savchenko
E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Fire resistance of reinforced concrete and steel structures
V Sadkovyi, V Andronov, O Semkiv, A Kovalov, E Rybka, Y Otrosh, ...
Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Structures, Kharkiv: РС …, 2021
Treatment of determination method for strength characteristics of reinforcing steel by using thread cutting method after temperature influence
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, E Rybka, T Kovalevska, V Togobytska, I Rolin
Materials Science Forum 1006, 179-184, 2020
Parameters of fire-retardant coatings of steel constructions under the influence of climatic factors
A Kovalov, S Vedula, ОM Danilin, TM Kovalevska
Харків НУЦЗ України, 2019
Feature of fire resistance calculation of steel designs with intumescent coating
AV Vasilchenko, YA Otrosh
Assessment of the technical state and the possibility of its control for the further safe operation of building structures of mining facilities
Y Otrosh, Y Rybka, O Danilin, M Zhuravskyi
E3S Web of Conferences 123, 01012, 2019
Experimental and computer researches of ferroconcrete floor slabs at high-temperature influences
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, M Surianinov, T Kovalevska
Materials Science Forum 968, 361-367, 2019
Experimental and computer researches of ferroconcrete beams at high-temperature influences
Y Otrosh, M Surianinov, O Holodnov, O Starova
Materials Science Forum 968, 355-360, 2019
Concrete and fiber concrete impact strength
M Surianinov, V Andronov, Y Otrosh, T Makovkina, S Vasiukov
Materials Science Forum 1006, 101-106, 2020
Про необхідність розрахунку будівель зі сталевим каркасом на температурні впливи
ОІ Голоднов, ТВ Антошина, ЮА Отрош
Збірник наукових праць Українського інституту сталевих конструкцій імені ВМ …, 2017
Modeling of non-stationary heating of steel plates with fire-protective coatings in Ansys under the conditions of hydrocarbon fire temperature mode
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, O Chernenko, M Zhuravskij, M Anszczak
Materials Science Forum 1038, 514-523, 2021
Methodology for assessment of the fire-resistant quality of reinforced-concrete floors protected by fire-retardant coatings
AI Kovalov, YA Otrosh, TM Kovalevska, SO Safronov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (1), 012058, 2019
Assessment of fire resistance of fireproof reinforced concrete structures
A Kovalov, R Purdenko, E Shcholokov
Methodology for Calculating the Technical State of a Reinforced-Concrete Fragment in a Building Influenced by High Temperature
O Bashynska, Y Otrosh, O Holodnov, A Tomashevskyi, G Venzhego
Materials Science Forum 1006, 166-172, 2020
Software modeling environment for solving problems of structurally inhomogeneous materials
V Pasternak, A Ruban, M Surianinov, Y Otrosh, A Romin
Materials Science Forum 1068, 215-222, 2022
Determination of the fire-retardant efficiency of magnesite thermal insulating materials to protect metal structures from fire
SG Guzii, Y Otrosh, O Guzii, A Kovalov, K Sotiriadis
Materials Science Forum 1038, 524-530, 2021
Parameters of fire-retardant coatings of steel constructions under the influence of climatic factors, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 3 (2019) 46–53
A Kovalov, Y Otrosh, S Vedula, O Danilin, T Kovalevska
Features of the organic-mineral intumescent paints structure formation for wooden constructions fire protection
S Guzii, T Kurska, Y Otrosh, P Balduk, Y Ivanov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1162 (1), 012003, 2021
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