Зимароєва Анастасія Анатоліївна; Zimaroeva A., Zymaroieva Anastasiia 0000-0001-9382-8269
Зимароєва Анастасія Анатоліївна; Zimaroeva A., Zymaroieva Anastasiia 0000-0001-9382-8269
Поліський національний університет, кафедра екології
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Cited by
The relationship between landscape diversity and crops productivity: Landscape scale study
A Zymaroieva, O Zhukov, T Fedoniuk, T Pinkina, V Hurelia
Journal of Landscape Ecology 14 (1), 39-58, 2021
Spatiotemporal dynamics of cereals grains and grain legumes yield in Ukraine
A Zymaroieva, O Zhukov, L Romanchuck, A Pinkin
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 25 (6), 1107-1113, 2019
Application of geographically weighted principal components analysis based on soybean yield spatial variation for agro-ecological zoning of the territory
A Zymaroieva, O Zhukov, T Fedonyuk, A Pinkin
Determining spatial parameters of the ecological niche of Parus major (Passeriformes, Paridae) on the base of remote sensing data
АA Zimaroeva, OV Zhukov, OL Ponomarenko
Вестник зоологии, 251–258-251–258, 2016
Distribution and ecological growth conditions of Utricularia australis R. Br. in Ukraine
OO Orlov, TP Fedoniuk, DM Iakushenko, IM Danylyk, RY Kish, ...
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2021
Which Fish Benefit from the Combined Influence of Eutrophication and Warming in the Dnipro River (Ukraine)?
A Zymaroieva, D Bondarev, O Kunakh, JC Svenning, O Zhukov
Fishes 8 (1), 14, 2022
Edaphoclimatic factors determining sunflower yields spatiotemporal dynamics in northern Ukraine
A Zimaroieva, OV Zhukov, T Fedoniuk, T Pinkina, V Vlasiuk
Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids 28 (26), 1-13, 2021
Phytocenological approach in biomonitoring of the state of aquatic ecosystems in Ukrainian Polesie
TP Fedonyuk, RH Fedoniuk, AA Zymaroieva, VM Pazych, EO Aristarkhova
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2020
Assessment of the consequences of forest fires in 2020 on the territory of the chornobyl radiation and ecological biosphere reserve.
T Fedonyuk, O Borsuk, T Melnychuk, A Zymaroieva, V Pazych
Impact of air born technogenic pollution on agricultural soils depending on prevailing winds in Polissya region (NW Ukraine)
RH Fedoniuk, TP Fedoniuk, AA Zimaroieva, VM Pazych, OV Zubova
Ecological Questions 31 (1), 69-85, 2020
Prostorovo-chasovi zakonomirnosti variiuvannia urozhainosti kukurudzy v Ukraini [Spatio-temporal patterns of variation of corn yield in Ukraine]
AA Zymaroieva
Scientific Horizons 2 (75), 58-66, 2019
Escape behaviours of Corvidae in an urban ecosystem of Zhytomyr (Ukraine)
A Matsyura, K Jankowski, A Zimaroeva
Romanian Journal of Biology–Zoology 60 (2), 2015
The spatial patterns of long-term temporal trends in yields of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in the Central European Mixed Forests (Polissya) and East European Forest …
A Zymaroieva, O Zhukov, L Romanchuck
Journal of Central European Agriculture 21 (2), 320-332, 2020
Prospects and main aspects of the GIS-technologies application for monitoring of biodiversity (on the example of the Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve)
TP Fedonyuk, OM Galushchenko, TV Melnichuk, OV Zhukov, ...
Space Science and Technology 26 (6), 2020
Trophic characteristics of (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) in toxic environment
T Pinkina, A Zymaroieva, S Matkovska, M Svitelskyi, O Ishchuk, ...
Ekológia (Bratislava) 38 (3), 292-300, 2019
Ecological niche modelling of Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus, 1758 (сommon chaffinch) using GIS tools
A Zimaroeva, A Zhukov, A Ponomarenko, A Matsyura
Romanian Journal of Biology–Zoology 60 (2), 135-146, 2015
Corvidae tolerance to human disturbance in settlement landscapes of Zhytomir (Ukraine)
A Matsyura, K Jankowski, A Zimaroeva
Romanian Journal of Biology–Zoology 60 (1), 39-47, 2015
The spatio-temporal trend of rapeseed yields in Ukraine as a marker of agro-economic factors influence
A Zymaroieva, O Zhukov, T Fedonyuk, T Pinkina
Osoblyvosti prostorovo-chasovoho trendu vrozhainosti zernovykh i zernobobovykh kultur u Poliskii ta Lisostepovii zonakh Ukrainy.[Features of the spatiotemporal trend of grain …
AA Zymaroieva
Visnyk Poltavskoi derzhavnoi ahrarnoi akademii 3, 66-73, 2018
Monitoring tree mortality in Ukrainian Pinus sylvestris L. forests using remote sensing data from earth observing satellites
V Skydan, TP Fedoniuk, ОS Mozharovskii, ОV Zhukov, AA Zymaroieva, ...
Annals of Forest Research 65 (2), 91-101, 2022
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